Posted by – Steve Cohen, Director of Community Development
People often call and ask us … “What’s being built up on Dutton, near Bald Mountain?” Well, it’s a four-field, outdoor soccer complex being constructed for the Rochester Soccer Club (RSC).
The soccer fields are almost ready to be seeded.
The project fell slightly behind schedule this year due to some unforeseen utility issues, but is now on track. Representatives from RSC explained that the six month delay was not all bad. With the heavy rains we experienced this past Spring and Summer, they believe that if they had planted the turf seed as originally scheduled, it would have washed away.
RSC intends to seed the fields this Fall. Now, this is not like us hydroseeding a lawn. These fields will experience heavy use, so the grass has to take extra time to establish. RSC advises us that it will take at least 18-months for the turf to be ready, so the complex most likely will not open until Spring 2015.
RSC – Fields at Auburn Hills (Site Plan)
Once finished and active, this facility will be a great addition to our community and the region.