We are often asked, “How many cats can I have? How many dogs can I have? Are there any restrictions on breeds?” While the City’s animal ordinance is quite extensive, we can review a few basics.
As stated in the Auburn Hills Code of Ordinances:
A person shall not keep or allow to be kept within the city more than five dogs and five cats (six months or older) at a single residence.
Pets are very enjoyable to many people and families. Just make sure they are not a nuisance to your neighbors.
The ordinance is limited to domesticated dogs and cats only. Any crossbreeds between dogs and coyotes or dogs and wolves is prohibited.
Be courteous to your neighbors by cleaning up after your pets and keeping barking dogs quiet to limit disturbances. We have received several complaints about these concerns over the years from frustrated property owners.
The City’s animal ordinance goes into detail regarding the keeping, caring and restrictions related to having pets and animals. To learn more, click here.